Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Instructor Text

I provided some basic information about the American Language Course (ALC) instructor text in an earlier post. I had some time to take a couple pictures that illustrate some of what I was writing about.
Some of the pictures are a bit poor, but I hope they are clear enough to give an idea of their contents. I used the instructor text for book eight.  Each book is very similar and with regard to some of the content, is exactly the same.  This instructor-based material is contained in the preface of each book.
At the bottom of this post I will include a picture of an actual lesson page to show the differences.

This is the basic information page for each book.  It provides the basic topics that are covered within each ALC unit (each book in the ALC provides for a complete unit of instruction).  All units in the first 30 books of the ALC are based around this five lesson outline; obviously the material covered varies from book to book.  One can see the intent and scope of each unit.  As an instructor, this page provides enough information to begin preparation for the class.  Each unit is complete "as is", but this information allows one to prepare supplemental material and prompts for discussion.

There is a multitude of instructor information provided by the text.  Above is a sample of this material.  These pages talk about managing the classroom to include how best to arrange the seating for specific exercises. 

The pages in the student text are mirrored in the instructor text to include matching page numbers.  The two photos above show the student text as well providing some explanation of the marginal text which is used to guide the instruction.  These two pages are still part of the preface of the instruct text 

This is typical lesson page shows the marginal material but without the explanatory notes.  Once one becomes familiar with the use of the marginal material it becomes very useful.

I hope this provides a good overview of what I am working with.  I will try to include more pictures in a later post.

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